We worked through the style guide, ironing out the kinks by testing the templates and processes with real content, under real working conditions. We ended up producing hundreds of 'Snap' design concepts to establish our workflow. There were lots (and lots and lots) of trial and error, experimentation and mad ideas to define a system and design process that would be scalable.
The visual style was a blend of classic tabloid image treatments and techniques with contemporary style through angles, flat shapes and graphic marks.
The process involved a daily timeline, where the chief editor selected between 12 and 20 stories from the day to be repackaged and scheduled to go live on the Snapchat channel that same evening. Our team of designers, editors and copywriters would then take those stories and distil them down to their basics: A headline, visuals and a subheading. We would then work in a fast-paced race against the clock to get the content designed and ready on time each day.
The process naturally encouraged high energy, quick ideas, full collaboration and creative spark!